How To Start A Conversation On A Dating App?

You don’t need a relationship coach to be good at online dating. You also don’t need to come up with brilliant ideas every time you meet someone attractive on a dating app. Here, you’ll find some tips that work equally well for someone who’s now looking for a serious relationship, casual relationship, or someone who just wants to keep in mind genuinely good conversation starters when meeting new people on the web.
General rules of starting a conversation on Tinder, Bumble, or any other dating app

Let’s start with some basic dos and don’ts of the first small talk:
- Use the information you have. The best Tinder dating opener is usually hidden in a person’s profile—people share information about their travels, hobbies, education, occupation, dog, etc. The truth is that even though there are some really good dating app conversation starters, the best are specific starters that you create yourself based on photos and details that a user has provided and things that interest you most.
- Try to start with your favorite greeting, not with the standard ‘Hi.’ Surprisingly, the first message that starts with any variations of Hi except for the Hi itself works much better. Dating experts claim that users answer to a message starting with ‘Hola’ or any other greeting twice more often. In addition, most people just have no clue how to respond to hey on dating app.
- Be direct and ask questions about their relationship goals. If it’s not clear what another person is interested in, you have a right to be direct and ask. Your lines must sound polite, though. No one likes that “Hey are you looking for a boyfriend or hookups?” “What are you looking for on the site?” is the polite version of this question. It still may feel a bit awkward, and it doesn’t have to be in your first message, but you should ask it; the sooner, the better. That’s how you save both your and another person’s time.
- Don’t use cheesy pick-up lines. Women using dating apps receive tons of such messages (and they rarely send pick-up opening line themselves), and even if your line is completely original but still cheesy, it just won’t work, at least the way you expected it to work. Initiate conversation with a witty, funny, and creative message, and if you have a good idea, use it, but trying to impress someone with bad humor always ends with disappointment. Even a standard message works much better.

What’s a perfect conversation starter? Best opening lines
How to show you’re genuinely interested in a first Tinder message that must be short? In fact, there are a few types of first messages, including questions to ask on dating app, and here are those that work best.
- Compliment. Hey, you mentioned that … I personally find it fascinating. How could you achieve this/go there/etc. and is it as good as it seems?
- Open-ended question. You look great! How’s your week?
- Would you rather message. Hola! You mention that you love music, so would you rather listen to … or go to a concert of …?
- Teasing. Ummm, you say you don’t like Stranger Things. I need details.
- Questions about location. Hey, are you a California native? I love this state, just interested in what you think of …
- Focus on hobbies. You love snowboarding? I made hundreds of attempts before I could stand on a snowboard longer than a few seconds. How could you handle it?

As you can see, there are various ways to start a conversation, but all the options have something in common. They’re specific, and that’s precisely what helps people get more attention and more replies from users they reach. You can use your own conversation starter. Just don’t start with something broad and standard—there’s a chance that someone attractive will reply to your ‘Hi, how are you?’ message, but it’s still significantly lower.
How to have a conversation that actually goes somewhere?
Let’s say you have an ideal first Tinder message. What’s next? Here are a few more tips that will work for someone who’s now looking for a long-term relationship or just met someone interesting and wants to get closer and see how it goes.
- Ask open-ended questions and follow-up questions—they’re the king of online dating.
- Write something about yourself, and try to focus on stories rather than on adjectives—they’re more interesting, tell much more about you, are fun to read, and don’t sound like bragging or self-depreciation.
- Move a conversation out of an app or a website. If you want to get closer, you need to keep in touch, and that’s much easier in messengers/social networks that we all use regularly.
- Talk about deep things, not only about daily stuff. Most dating experts recommend discussing more serious topics—love, life, goals, priorities, and values. This doesn’t only make a conversation go somewhere but also allows both of you to understand if you really have much in common.

Basically, these are all the rules on how to start a conversation by texting to get the first date. Suppose you’re seeking a potential relationship online. In that case, the best thing you can do to find the right person and start a healthy relationship in real life is to relax, remind yourself that it’s completely normal and that’s how people meet each other nowadays, and be nice and attentive to a person you’re approaching. Yes, that seems simple, but a lot of people fail to follow this simple rule. On the one hand, it’s no good, but on the other hand, it means that being nice is an easy way to stand out on any dating apps or sites.